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Jewyo Rhii

Director & Artist

As an artist, Jewyo Rhii has engaged in different exhibition activities since the 1990s. She introduced her work mainly in the form of books produced for about 5 years from 1998 onwards. In these publications, the environment of the birth of physical works was recorded and documented together with the gradual flow of time around them and the changes that subsequently occurred. She published three art books in this periods that all dealt which the way people make urgent, provisional efforts to improve their physical and mental environment. These efforts, usually her own, are revealed in humorous picture stories taking the form of photos, drawings and registrations of physical works of art. 

After the books, Rhii became more interested in a non-retrospective nowness. She wants to work in the physical location of an exhibition or open up her own studio working process. She investigated coincidences and made works that vary depending on the site. She carried out spontaneous actions and seeks to work in unfamiliar spaces or situations in order to respond to the dynamics of the environment. Her interest in encountering otherness originates from the experience of living abroad in many different cultures and the challenges and discoveries that brings. She often works with ephemeral objects, temporary materials and simple, fast drawings that reflect the insecurity, resentment, deficiency and vulnerability of individual physical existence and the inevitable battles with time and space. She often uses an indefinite or not quite finished installation method that expresses hesitation and the dependency of her work on the situation. Her recent works are characterised by underlying and often undisclosed stories or experiences that serve as the inspiration for installations, video and site specific works. Most of these latest works focus on the qualities of her unique relationships with people and places that drift in and out of her artistic life, sometimes seeming to share fate for a period, sometimes just briefly touching the artist’s continuing existence. 

Jewyo Rhii lives and works in Seoul and New York.

Hyunjin Kim

Co-Director & Producer

Hyunjin Kim is a curator, writer and researcher, based in Seoul. She is currently director of Curatorial Lab Seoul that she found to continue her independent projects in 2012. She was a co-curator of 7th Gwangju Biennale, Annual Report (2008), and recently worked as Director for Arko Art Center, Seoul (2014-2015). Since 2001, Kim has worked for institutions including Ilmin Museum of Art (2013), Vanabbemuseum, Eindhoven (2005-2006), Artsonje Center, Seoul (2001-2003) and Ssamzie Space, Seoul (2000). She curated a number of exhibitions and projects such as Two Hours, Tina Kim Gallery (New York, 2016); Nina Canell_Satin Ion, Hwayeon Nam_Time-Mechanics, and Tradition (Un)Realized, Arko Art Center (Seoul, 2014-2015); Seo Young Chung_The Speed of the Large, the Small, and the Wide (2013), The Brilliant Collaborator, Ilmin Museum of Art (Seoul, 2013); Play Time: The Waiting Room of Episteme, Culture Station Seoul 284, (Seoul, 2012); Perspective Strikes Back, Doosan Gallery, (Seoul, 2009); L'appartement22  (Rabat, 2010); Movement, Contingency and Community, Jewyo Rhii_Ten Years, Please, Gallery27, (Uiwang, 2007), Gallery27, (Uiwang, 2007); Haegue Yang_Sadong 30, (Inchon, 2006); Plug-In#3-Undeclared Crowd, Vanabbemuseum, (Eindhoven, 2006) and so on. Since 2009, Kim has initiated and closely collaborated to produce some of contemporary artists’ performance pieces like In the Room 3 by Sung Hwan Kim, Performa (New York, 2009); Off-Stage /Masterclass by siren eun young jung, Culture Station Seoul 284 (Seoul, 2012) and Festival BO:M (Seoul, 2013); Ten Years, please by Jewyo Rhii, Mullae factory (Seoul, 2016) and Namsan Art Center (Seoul, 2017). Her catalogues and edited publications include: Satin Ion-Nina Canell, BomDia (2015); The Speed of the Large, the Small, and the Wide- Seoyoung Chung, Hyunsil Books, Seoul (2012); Inter-views, BigakuShuppan, Tokyo (2011); The Other There-Gao Shiqiang, Timezone8 (Beijing, 2009); Jewyo Rhii, Samuso, (Seoul, 2008); Sadong 30, Wien Verlag(Berlin, 2007); Dolores Zinny and Juan Maidagan, Sala Rekalde (Bilbao, 2007). She also has contributed to art magazines and journals such as Wolganmisool, Artinculture, Yishu, Art Asian Pacific, Art Review among others. Kim is currently an advisory member of Haus der Kunst der Welt, Berlin and Asia Art Archive, Hong Kong.

Hankil Ryu

Sound & Composing

Hankil Ryu is an artist living in Seoul, Korea. He has produced sound performances, records and publications in a small scale through an established label named ‘Manual.’ MAP Ryu Hankil 01 is about a Relay project which involves Hankil Ryu and various artists through cooperative enterprise. He is also one of members of FEN (Far East Network), an experimental and improvisational music quartet focused on cross-disciplinary collaborations within the Asian region. 

Yuen Chee Wai

Sound & Composing

Yuen Chee Wai is a Singapore-based artist, musician and experimental sound composer who has a multidisciplinary and intertextual approach to music-making. His improvisational sound work encompasses the musical idioms of drone, ambient, noise and field recordings, and the use of a spectrum of electronic instruments and guitar. His conceptualisations and collaborations, which span the realms of experimental music, visual art, dance and film, explore relationships between sound, image and word. Often inspired by ideas drawn from philosophical and literary texts, and by perspectives glimpsed through the filmic eye and photographic lens, Yuen’s stylistic oeuvre is marked by reflections on memory and loss, invisibility and indeterminacy. He is currently a member of FEN (Far East Network) and of the avant/experimental quartet rock band The Observatory (Singapore), with whom he plays guitar, synth and electronics. Since 2014, Yuen has a role of Curator for the Asian Meeting Festival helded by Otomo Yoshihide and held annually in Japan.

Yanghee Lee


Born in Korea, Yanghee Lee is a dancer, choreographer, actor and teacher based in Brooklyn, NY.  She had trained Korean traditional dance from very youth and performed as a professional dancer at many theaters such as The Korea National Theater, Seoul Art Center, Arko Theater, etc in Korea.

In 1997, she created her own dance group called The Limbo and joined the independent cultural art scene in Korea. Through 'Limbo', she pursued experimental works of music, performance, and installation art in a creative, non-traditional theater setting as one of the 1st-generation of Korean independent artists. The Limbo subsequently held performances at “The Underground Club” and “Pang Club” from 1997 to 1999.  In 2001, Limbo performed with the underground band, “Jam,” at the Opening Ceremony of the Hong Ik Street Art Festival in Seoul, Korea. 

Since Lee has moved to NY, she has been involved in new international theater ensemble, which has very divers backgrounds with dancers, writers, directors, actors, and singers with a mission for fresh approaches and solutions, the group is the cultural arena that will strengthen and advance the role the creative sector.

Lee was a resident artist at the 2009-10 Cave Studio Share Residency, The Field’s winter 2011 EAR and the Field’s Spring 2013 Residency.  She also participated in the 2009 international summer program at Watermill Center of Robert Wilson, and worked with Phil Soltanoff, Douglas Dunn, Carlos Armesto, SITI Company Anne Bogart, and many others.

Lee has performed in the U.S., including BAM Fisher, New York Live Arts, the DUMBO Dance Festival, Dance Theater Workshop, Kitchen, La MaMa, Dixon Place, LMCC’s Siteline2010, Watermill Center, Center for Performance Research, and Movement Research Judson Church. Lee was the 2011-2012 Fresh Tracks Artist of the New York Live Arts (Dance Theater Workshop) and a recipient of the Arts Council Korea Fellowship (Korea,’11-12). She is an associated artist of Theatre C Company, currently a Movement Research Artist-in-Residence in New York (2014-2016) and Asian Cultural Council Fellow 2016.

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